Dezeen Platform: Mat Barnes and Eddie Blake of C.A.N take to Dezeen Platform for the second day of Dezeen Space with their 1:87 scale-model island.
The 1:87 scale-model in the style of a Hornby model railway can be read by a smartphone when viewed from above.
Styled like a Hornby model railway, the island can be read by a smartphone as a QR code when viewed from above.
Each day, for 30 days, a different designer will use a one metre by one metre space to exhibit their work at Dezeen Space. See the full lineup for Dezeen Platform here.
More about Dezeen Space here and more about the London Design festival here.
Dezeen Space
17 September - 16 October
Monday-Saturday 11am-7pm
Sunday 11am-5pm
54 Rivington Street,
London EC2A 3QN