This fantasy animation from architectural filmmakers Factory Fifteen shows a swarm of trolleys, equipment and components associated with British postal service Royal Mail colonising the sides of a building and configuring themselves into a temporary automated sorting office.
Here's some more text from the animators:
Royal Re-Formation
In an age of progressively automated manufacturing and fabrication processes, the Royal Cabinets are an aggressive expression of labor. Assembled from a contractor led design approach, the cabinets draw on highly skilled local craftsmen and artists to produce the fantastical. Staged within the proposed baron 'facadescape' of a financially fragile Canary Wharf, the Cabinets are programmatically charged with the loss of yet another great British labor force, Royal Mail.
Two ideas of labor are therefore existing in parallel. The capitalist driven one that we experience everywhere in the West, and the accomplishment of public service in a building that recounts its essence by its architecture.