Dezeen features in Apple's iPhone 5 launch
News: Dezeen featured in Apple's launch of the iPhone 5 today and makes an appearance in the movie demonstrating the new product.

Our homepage was shown in a video demonstration of the new device as part of a presentation by Apple CEO Tim Cook and colleagues at the Yerba Buena Arts Center in San Francisco.

The movie, which is now up on Apple's website, starts with an introduction by Apple vice president of industrial design Jonathan Ive, and the sequence featuring Dezeen starts at 01.16.

The sequence begins with an iPhone 5 user opening an email titled "Great website" which contains the message: "I just came across http://www.dezeen.com/ and I really think you would enjoy it. It has a lot of the same architectural styles that you love. Dave".

The user then clicks on the link in the email and is taken to our homepage while Apple senior vice president Bob Mansfield describes how LTE technology allows "really fast downloads over your cellular network".

After this the user goes to their bookmarks page, which interestingly already contains Dezeen, and navigates to a different site.

Apple contacted Dezeen earlier this year asking us to create a bespoke version of our home page and an editorial page for a possible future marketing campaign. Apple specified that both had to be free of external advertisements and social media buttons, but they did not give any details of how the pages might be used.
The pages we created for us by our long-term collaborators Zerofee. Besides the iPhone versions of Dezeen, we also created billboard-sized pages that may, or may not, appear in Apple Stores and outdoor advertising hoardings as part of the marketing push for the iPhone 5.