Dezeen Music Project: video artist Katzki and director Jackson Mullane built a huge floating kaleidoscope to create the patterns in this music video for Australian dance act Rufus.
"The Rufus guys and I kind of had a rediscovery of kaleidoscopes when we found a really cool one in a small store in Berlin," Katzki told Dezeen. "I remember looking through it and having a big discussion with the guys. What if we made a really big one that you could shoot through... like an extension of the camera lens?"
Every shot in the video, apart from the opening sequence, was filmed through the kaleidoscope, which was made specially by the directors' friend Hamish Johnstone.
The individual scenes that are reflected to create the patterns in the video were shot first, using a triangular frame rather than the traditional rectangle.
Katzki and Mullane then positioned a 4K television at one end of the kaleidoscope, played the footage back and filmed it from the other end.
"With the triangle frame that we were shooting through, all our usual instincts for composition were thrown out the window," Katzki said. "It became about finding what worked and created the best patterns and progressions in the kaleidoscope. We had a lot of fun finding what worked."
Sundream is the opening track and fourth single from Rufus' album Atlas.