Comments update: a study that named architecture as one of the highest ranking jobs for suicides triggered a debate about the state of the profession and its treatment of young graduates this week.
Research by America's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that people working in architecture and engineering were among the most likely to commit suicide in the USA – ranking fifth compared to other professions.
A number of readers said that architecture was notorious for its long hours, low pay and lack of opportunities for young people, which could be contributing to the problem.
"People learn to be disrespected and mistreated, with no social life and work they can't quantify, and that is the recipe for lack of happiness," wrote Trak, who said that the problem was rooted in education.
"People pick their careers in architecture and engineering because they are passionate about it," added Jas. "Architecture is a rough and seldom-rewarding field and it's surprising because it doesn't seem like it should be the case." Read the story and the comments »
Brexit brouhaha: Zaha Hadid Architects director Patrik Schumacher declared his support for Britain leaving the European Union, saying that the move would offer "the chance to evolve a more open, immigration-friendly society and economy."
"'More immigration friendly'? It seems he forgot why people chose to leave the EU," wrote Wolfgang.
"Many people voted to leave the EU (not Europe) because it is a sclerotic, bureaucratic, opaque political union project which is neglecting the wellbeing of European people to pursue, at all costs, 'ever closer union'," retorted Luke.
One guest commenter wondered why more architects had not shared Schumacher's view: "If Patrik Schumacher can see this, how come so many architects have not been able to? I can't believe they simply fell into line." Read the story and the comments »
Bible built: a gigantic wood-framed building shaped like Noah's Ark, and constructed to dimensions described in the bible, opened in Kentucky as part of a Christian theme park.
But some readers felt the wood-framed building was an abomination. "This is an epic piece of propaganda," wrote Paul Ashton. "It is not architecture; it is not good design."
"I don't have to agree with a group's beliefs, but I can appreciate the manifestation of their passion," countered regular commenter The Liberty Disciple.
"Despite what your beliefs might be you can't deny it's a pretty awesome structure and it's certainly no less trivial or wasteful than any other theme park," agreed Kobi.
"I'm wondering how they're going to do the Tower of Babel," added Delbert Grady. Read the story and the comments »