Day 12 of the Dezeen 15 digital festival saw designer Natsai Audrey Chieza outline five practical principles that can be used to advance the emerging field of biodesign in a live interview.
"Now more than ever, when we think about what else design can do, and especially when those activities encompass the design of, with and from biology, we need to implement a new emphasis on interconnected systems," she writes in her manifesto featuring the five principles.
"Faber Futures models design briefs on five principles for doing and nurturing opportunities to create transformative systems," Chieza continues.
Natsai Audrey Chieza is founder and CEO at Faber Futures, a design agency that explores the intersection between design and biotechnology. Her work focuses on biofabrication and examines how natural processes such as microbial action can be harnessed to create sustainable products.
The Dezeen 15 festival features 15 manifestos presenting ideas that could change the world over the next 15 years. Each contributor will also take part in a live video interview.
See the line-up of contributors here.
The portrait of Chieza is by Toby Coulson.