2022 results

The Great Migration Pop-Up Book
by Plus Collaboratives

Photo by PLUS Collaboratives

Plus Collaboratives has designed The Great Migration Pop-Up Book in Singapore.

This project aims to show the world that print is not dead — not even in the face of digitalisation accelerated by the global pandemic.

"We designed The Great Migration to be a print swatch book that rekindled the spirit of print in print businesses and the graphic design/creative community." said designers Plus Collaboratives. "We brought the swatch book to life through a pop-up book and delivered a child-like joy to our target audience even in the confines of their home."

The Great Migration Pop-Up Book serves more than just a functional purpose, it has redefined a new way of interacting with swatches from home and reminded people why they love to print in the first place.

This project has been longlisted in the graphic design category of Dezeen Awards 2022.

Designer: Plus Collaboratives

Project: The Great Migration Pop-Up Book

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