2022 results

Tapis Magique
by MIT Media Lab

Tapis Magique by MIT Media Lab
Irmandy Wicaksono / MIT Media Lab

MIT Media Lab has created a work that provides a synaesthetic environment for multi-sensory engagement and mindful movement.

Tapis Magique ('magic carpet') is a pressure-sensitive, knitted electronic textile carpet that generates three-dimensional sensor data based on body postures and gestures, driving an immersive sonic environment in real-time.

It provides a canvas for dancers and sound artists to modulate sound, perform and compose a musical piece based on choreography and vice versa. It also creates an auditory-gestural synaesthetic environment that invites and encourages audiences to interact and express themselves with the tapis, experiencing a magical connection that stimulates the body and mind.

This project has been longlisted in the installation design category of Dezeen Awards 2022.

Designer: MIT Media Lab

Project: Tapis Magique

Read more: MIT Media Lab

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