2024 results

Illuminate: What Would It Be Like if We Could See Our Movement
by MIT Media Lab

Illuminate: What Would It Be Like if We Could See Our Movement? by MIT Media Lab
Photo by Jimmy Day/Chelsi Alise Cocking

MIT Media Lab built the interactive installation Illuminate: What Would It Be Like if We Could See Our Movement?

Illuminate is an interactive art installation in which a person's movements through open space are visually augmented and brought to life in front of them in real-time through custom-coded interactive visualisation software.

Seamlessly merging physical and digital space, Illuminate submerges us into an artificial reality in which our usually unseen paths of movement become visible – seemingly levitating in space.

This aims to give us a visceral yet magical moment in which we can see, interact with, and play with our once invisible wakes of motion – pushing the boundaries of our senses and making the invisible visible.

This project has been longlisted in the installation design category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: MIT Media Lab
Project: Illuminate: What Would It Be Like if We Could See Our Movement
Credits: Chelsi Alise Cocking, Zach Lieberman, Josh Higgason, Marc Downie and Future Sketches

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