2024 results

Digested Objects
by Biocrafting Studio

Digested Objects by Biocrafting Studio
Photo by Biocrafting Studio

Biocrafting Studio has designed Digested Objects, an interspecies collaboration between mealworms and humans.

Digested Objects defines a novel creative process where humans and non-humans work in tandem to design objects and furniture.

The mealworm has garnered attention in the scientific research community thanks to its ability to digest polystyrene safely.

It presents great potential for tackling global waste and pollution.

Instead of extracting and replicating exiguobacterium, the superpowered bacteria that gives the mealworm the capacity to eat plastic, Digested Objects seeks to establish a creatively symbiotic partnership with these creatures to design functional furniture.

This project has been longlisted in the seating design category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Biocrafting Studio
Project: Digested Objects
Credits: Sandhelden

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