2024 results

Piraeus Tower
by Danilof Light + Perception Studio

Piraeus Tower by Danilof Light + Perception Studio
Photo by N Daniilidis

Danilof Light + Perception Studio has designed the Piraeus Tower's lighting facade.

The regenerated tower is a prominent landmark in Piraeus port, which connects Athens to the Aegean islands and plays a crucial role as a container port in the Mediterranean.

Danilof studio was appointed from the early stages of this project to design the facade lighting, "We drew inspiration from the interplay of moonlight on the nocturnal sea and the colours of the Mediterranean Sky."

"It was essential for us to achieve comparable light intensities, textures and subtle movements and, at the same time, reveal and enhance the new architecture."

This project has been longlisted in the architectural lighting design category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Danilof Light + Perception Studio
Project: Piraeus Tower
Credits: Dimand, Prodea, D Kapetanellis, Pila Studio, Betaplan, Aspa KST, EOC, Insta, DCarbon, Denco, Agropolis, Terna and Traxon | Ecue

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