2024 results

Encoded Cushions
by Woven Memories

Encoded Cushions by Woven Memories
Photo by LauraLaura Studio

Woven Memories has designed Encoded Cushions, a series of memory-powered cushions.

Woven Memories introduced digital coding to transform customers' text into unique patterns.

Using its user-friendly online tool, customers become co-designers.

The online tool simply encodes the text into a pattern by typing the user's memories, stories, poems or lyrics.

After the user designs it, the product is handwoven in the studio and shipped directly to their door.

"Now, customers can embrace the cushion, keeping the essence of cherished memories close at hand," said Woven Memories.

"It's not just a perfect way to celebrate special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries; it's also a beautiful tribute to departed loved ones."

This project has been longlisted in the textile design category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Woven Memories
Project: Encoded Cushions

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