2024 results

Casa de mi Luna
by Studio Circle Growth/Terra Sylva Construction

Casa de mi Luna by Studio Circle Growth/Terra Sylva Construction
Photo by Fredrik Frendin

Studio Circle Growth and Terra Sylva Construction have created Casa de mi Luna in Prague, Czech Republic.

Casa de mi Luna is a natural house made of straw, wood and clay, built for a family of four in the vicinity of Prague.

Embedded within a protected nature reserve, the house respects the vernacular heritage of the surrounding villages while bringing added value through its focus on natural materials.

Simultaneously, the design seeks a creative and original approach to interior design with an open staircase in the central double-height space and an arched ceiling.

This project has been longlisted in the house (rural) category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Studio Circle Growth/Terra Sylva Construction
Project: Casa de mi Luna

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