2024 results

Centro DIF Comitancillo
by Aidia Studio

Centro DIF Comitancillo by Aidia Studio
Photo by Aidia Studio

Aidia Studio has designed and built the Centro DIF Comitancillo in San Pedro Comitancillo, Mexico.

Centro DIF is a newly built community centre in San Pedro Comitancillo, a small town in the state of Oaxaca.

The two-storey building consists of consultation rooms, a kitchen, meeting rooms and a multi-purpose open space for workshops and other activities.

The structure is laid out in five modules across the site, each crowned by a shallow vault; the facades are clad with concrete lattices and the aperture is driven by solar incidence and interior views.

The building achieves a simple sense of beauty by playing with different textures and patterns – while maximising light-shadow movements.

This project has been longlisted in the civic project category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Aidia Studio
Project: Centro DIF Comitancillo

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