2024 results

Mylla Cabin
by Fjord Arkitekter

Mylla Cabin by Fjord Arkitekter
Photo by Einar Aslaksen

Fjord Arkitekter has designed the Mylla Cabin in Oslo, Norway.

Nestled within an hour's skiing distance from Oslo's city centre, Mylla Cabin offers breathtaking scenery and sustainable design.

Constructed with durable pine wood and heated exclusively with geothermal energy, the cabin blends seamlessly into its surroundings while minimizing environmental impact.

Guests can enjoy spacious living areas, private bedrooms and panoramic views, all within a thoughtfully designed space that prioritises both comfort and conservation.

This project has been longlisted in the hospitality project category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Fjord Arkitekter
Project: Mylla Cabin
Credits: Fjord Ingeniører, Studio Bosted, Talgø Møre Tre, Lignum Sol and Bergene Holm

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