2024 results

Mobility Center, Paris 2024
by Martin Duplantier Architectes

Mobility Center, Paris 2024 by Martin Duplantier Architectes
Photo by Yohan Zerdoun

Martin Duplantier Architectes has designed the Mobility Center for the Paris 2024 Olympics in Paris, France.

This project has seven levels, allowing logistical issues and mobility means to be hosted in the same building, freeing the neighbourhood from cars and trucks.

The bracing structural system is included in the facade design and the whole centre acts as a landmark for the Olympic Village, facing a park, the Seine River and the major ring road of Paris.

Inside, a minimum number of bearing points allows full flexibility and maximum capacity, but also a minimal carbon footprint as no second skin is added.

This project has been longlisted in the infrastructure and transport project category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Martin Duplantier Architectes
Project: Mobility Center, Paris 2024
Credits: Ouest-Structures, BMF, Solab, Lodeva Conseil and Edifeo

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