2024 results

Portable Bakehouse by CycleCycle
by FOG Architecture

Portable Bakehouse by CycleCycle by FOG Architecture
Photo by Inspace

FOG Architecture has designed the Portable Bakehouse by CycleCycle in Hangzhou, China.

The overall form of the Portable Bakehouse is informed and inspired by a barn.

The wooden structure features a shading board on the front and a rainproof canopy supported on top at the back, with stacks of grain sacks as a facade and a ladder on the side, referencing a straw shed for resting commonly seen on Chinese farmland.

"We want to maximise its flexibility and mobility, able to be adapted in various environments, creating a new public space within an urban city," said FOG.

"We want to use architecture as a medium to connect people and the land."

This project has been longlisted in the small project category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: FOG Architecture
Project: Portable Bakehouse by CycleCycle

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