2024 results

Terrace Apartment
by Estudio Guto Requena

Terrace Apartment by Estudio Guto Requena
Photo by Fran Parente

Estudio Guto Requena has designed the Terrace Apartment in São Paulo, Brazil.

Concrete and virtual merge to build a spatiality called hybrid, where the cement and brick blend with network cables, microcontrollers and sensors.

The Terrace Apartment project seeks to meet the demands of new ways of living by boldly and strikingly combining architecture, innovation and sustainability.

Automation combined with biophilic design results in an optimised responsive house that can be controlled virtually.

This allows the setting of different scenarios and maintenance of the long-suspended flower box, which creates a specific microclimate, reducing high temperatures and improving air quality – an important premise in a city like São Paulo.

This project has been longlisted in the residential interior category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Estudio Guto Requena
Project: Terrace Apartment
Credits: Guto Requena, Ludovica Leone, Thatiana Pacheco, Mateus Fraga, Alejandro Garzon, Ana Paula Pedro, Isabella Previti, João Vargas, Fabiana Paiva, Priscila Almeida, Priscila Amorim, Beatriz Menezes, Bernardo Yono, Heitor Espíndola, Ian Diesendruck, Jasmim Caparroz, Bruno Aricó, Matheus Leston, Paulo Paiva, Thalissa Bechelli, Tiago Toledo, Roberta Maria de Pádua, Camila Souza and Franz Ramires

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