2024 results

Brussels Prison Village Coffee Bar and Visitor Centre
by Livable Platform

Brussels Prison Village Coffee Bar and Visitor Centre by Livable Platform
Photo by Amber Vanbossel

Livable Platform has designed the interiors of a prison coffee bar and visitor centre in Brussels, Belgium.

This project is a new coffee bar and visitor centre in Brussels' new prison village that encourages autonomy.

The new prison of Haren incorporates Sep Verboom's coffee bar as part of the Quasi Museum's artistic interventions.

Verboom's design, featuring natural materials like Brussels clay plaster, linen curtains and cork, contrasts the typical prison environment, fostering warmth and tactility.

The interior encourages female inmates to reclaim autonomy by allowing them to rearrange cork blocks and stools.

This inviting space connects detainees, visitors, and staff, blending the prison's inside and outside worlds.

The coffee bar also offers inmates work experience and social interaction, aiding their reintegration.

This project has been longlisted in the sustainable interior category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Livable Platform
Project: Brussels Prison Village Coffee Bar and Visitor Centre
Credits: Verilin, Sofalca, BC Materials, Dalcon, Volmaakt, Dea Kaker Strucl, Leto Keunen and Juraj Olejar

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