Ronan and Erwan Bouroulle
Photograph by Alisa Connan



Barber and Osgerby

In the year they won the London Design Medal, British design duo Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby piqued our readers' interest as much for their contributions to industry debate as for their projects.

They provided other designers food for thought when they criticised the royalty system, saying they always try to negotiate for equity or fees from the brands they work with. And they raised concerns about London's future as a design capital, which they argued is threatened by rent rises, education cuts and a government "scared by creativity".

Two of the biggest names in industrial design, Barber and Osgerby also remained in the headlines thanks to one particularly large project – their trains for London's Crossrail, due for delivery in 2017.

Top posts:

1. "People want designers to be starving artists" say Barber & Osgerby

2. Universal Design Studio uses muted colours and brass fittings for J&M Davidson store

3. Transport for London unveils designs for 200-metre-long Crossrail trains

4. "UK government doesn't value the role of creativity" say Barber and Osgerby

5. Barber & Osgerby awarded London Design Medal 2015