2020 results

Forum Groningen
by deMunnik-deJong-Steinhauser Architect Collective

The interior emphasizes the architecture and offers space for more than just books: the children can curl up in the window niches, play in a chill net or experiment with techniques
Roos Aldershoff

Forum Groningen is a public building where visitors can come to learn new skills in Groningen, Netherlands.

Architect collective deMunnik-deJong-Steinhauser Architect Collective won the competition to design the interiors of a vast cultural complex in the city of Groningen.

The designers aimed to create a pleasant interior that connects the user with the overwhelming architecture and its numerous functions. The studio aimed to create more than a destination for architecture lovers; and more than a collective building for cultural programming.

The interiors turns Forum into a welcoming living room for all residents in Groningen.

This project has been longlisted in the civic and cultural interior project category of Dezeen Awards 2020.

Designer: deMunnik-deJong-Steinhauser Architect Collective
Project: Forum Groningen

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