2022 results

Kindergarten at Henninger Park
by Meixner Schlueter Wendt

Kindergarten at Henninger Park by Meixner Schlueter Wendt
Christoph Kraneburg

Kindergarten at Henninger Park is a childcare centre for play and learning in Frankfurt's Sachsenhäuser Berg district.

The project structures the building into folded topographical layers, to form different scenarios for play and learning both inside and outside.

The roof layer encompasses two thermically enveloped levels, offering potential for conventional use such as group rooms and workshops alongside space for open communication and play across different room layouts and heights.

Below, a central indoor access area and covered walkways with concrete staircases create flow between inside and outside. These spatial transitions face southwards, towards the large garden. At the same time, the projecting arcades offer weather protection, allowing children and carers to go out into the fresh air without being exposed to adverse or overly hot conditions.

Directly adjoining these and flooded with sunlight are the bright group rooms for the children, while the administrative rooms sit along the north side of the building.

This project has been longlisted in the civic building category of Dezeen Awards 2022.

Designer: Meixner Schlueter Wendt

Project: Kindergarten at Henninger Park

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