2023 results

AirBubble Playground
by EcoLogicStudio

AirBubble Playground by EcoLogicStudio
Photo by Maja Wirkus

EcoLogicStudio has designed the AirBubble Playground in Warsaw, Poland.

AirBubble Playground is the world's first biotechnological playground that integrates air-purifying micro-algae to create a bubble of clean air.

It harvests two inexhaustible and renewable sources of power: solar energy and children's instinctive drive to play.

AirBubble is strategically located in the heart of Warsaw, Poland – one of the most polluted areas in Europe.

"Over a six months testing period, AirBubble has absorbed on average 97% of the nitrogen and 75% of the particulate matter in the air," said EcoLogicStudio. "It is a new architectural typology that could be implemented in cities around the world offering children a safe space to play."

This project has been longlisted in the small project category of Dezeen Awards 2023.

Studio: EcoLogicStudio
Project: AirBubble Playground
Credits: Claudia Pasquero, Marco Poletto, Eirini Tsomokou, Korbinian Enzinger, Riccardo Mangili, Georgios Drakontaeidis, Alessandra Poletto, Korbinian Enzinger, Terezia Greskova, Stephan Sigl, Synthetic Landscape Lab IOUD Innsbruck University, Urban Morphogenesis Lab BPRO The Bartlett UCL, YIP London Biological Medium Ecoduna and Temme Obermeier

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