2023 results

World of Klarna
by Studio Stockholm

World of Klarna by Studio Stockholm
Photo by Per Kristiansen

Studio Stockholm has created the World of Klarna office in Stockholm, Sweden.

This project is an arena and place for meetings, interaction and a layered experience intended for all of the senses.

"Klarna's Stockholm office is a space that has the unexpected, the quirky, the wow factor and a dynamic environment without sacrificing any functionality," said Studio Stockholm.

The World of Klarna is a unique and brand-building physical environment designed with a palette of tactile materials that feel and create a sensation, offering visitors an individual Klarna scent.

In addition, it's one of the largest recycling projects in Stockholm when it comes to reusing doors and glass partitions.

This project has been longlisted in the workplace interior (large) category of Dezeen Awards 2023.

Studio: Studio Stockholm
Project: World of Klarna
Credits: Thule Fastighetsutveckling, Node Ljusdesign, Bucktron, Hangmen and Tableau

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