2023 results

by Daisuke Yamamoto Design

Flow by Daisuke Yamamoto Design
Photo by Takumi Ota

Daisuke Yamamoto Design has created and developed the concept of Flow, an exhibition in Milan, Italy.

This project began with the awareness that everyday recycled construction materials are disposed of before new construction begins, a so-called 'scrap and build'.

"In this situation, we shed light on the most used and at the same time, disposed of, building material, lightweight gauge steel (LGS)," said design studio Daisuke Yamamoto. "It is an attempt to a new approach where we design and construct space with the assumption that it will one day be deconstructed."

By using the raw materials as they are, these post-demolition building materials are reclaimed to reconstruct new furniture after deconstruction, allowing the outcome to envision a new circulation of resources in the exhibition.

This project has been shortlisted in the exhibition design (interior) category of Dezeen Awards 2023.

Studio: Daisuke Yamamoto Design
Project: Flow
Credits: Taketo Masui

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