2023 results

Nursery in Alma Palace
by Atelier Régis Roudil Architectes

Nursery in Alma Palace by Atelier Régis Roudil Architectes
Photo by Florent Michel 11h45

Atelier Régis Roudil Architectes has built the Nursery in Alma Palace in Paris, France.
This project is implanted in the centre of Alma Palace in a single longitudinal volume, where the volume of the nursery is stretched along the wall surrounding the garden.

This wall became the support for the project, an inhabited thick wall, open toward the garden.

The rhythm of the wooden posts plays with the trees of the garden, and the horizontal strata of the earth meet those of the stones of the site.

The roof unites the whole by creating a strong straight line that underlines the verticals of the Eiffel Tower and the Haussmannian housing buildings located south of the garden.

This project has been shortlisted in the education project category of Dezeen Awards 2023.

Studio: Atelier Régis Roudil Architectes
Project: Nursery in Alma Palace
Credits: Vessière, B52, ECO+, EODD, Viasonora, CBM-SRMG, Poulingue, Coanus, Lacour et Giuseppe Murtinu, Bouygues Energie, Lorraine Energie, Normandie Patrimoine, Rémi AntoineConcept Resine, SNTPP and Atelier Kara

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