2023 results

Second Sea
by Accept & Proceed

Second Sea by Accept & Proceed
Photo by Accept & Proceed

Accept & Proceed, in collaboration with Adrian Lahoud at the Royal College of Art, has designed Second Sea, an online platform that projects climate change damage in global coastal cities.

Second Sea is an online interactive platform for projecting loss and damage for coastal cities caused by rising sea levels that result from human-induced climate change.

The launch of Second Sea coincided with COP27, held in Egypt.

Through a bespoke algorithm, Second Sea assigns a share of future loss and damage for coastal cities according to the cumulative historical CO2 contribution of each nation up to the present.

"It generates a nationally itemised invoice showing the proportion of cost owed by each nation to the coastal city in question if contributions continue in their current manner," told Accept & Proceed.

This project has been shortlisted in the graphic design category of Dezeen Awards 2023.

Studio: Accept & Proceed
Project: Second Sea
Credits: Royal College of Art, Adrian Lahoud and ON (Made by ON)

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