Noella Nibakuze

Noella Nibakuze sq

Kigali-based Noella Nibakuze is a design director at MASS Design Group

Nibakuze has completed projects spanning education, affordable housing, and healthcare.  

She spearheaded the community engagement and construction of the Rwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture (RICA). The architect also led the design of the Lagos Infectious Disease Institute, a hub for infectious disease treatment and research. 

As an advocate for women in architecture, Nibakuze is a 2018 Techwomen Fellow, she is also affiliated with the Rwanda Institute of Architects, The East African Institute of Architects and the Union of International Architects (UIA) and was a finalist for the inaugural DIVIA (Diversity in Architecture) Award, acknowledging her as a "role model for the next generation of women architects."

She is also a visiting lecturer at Rwanda's School of Architecture and the Built Environment.

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