2024 results

Aikyam - ऐक्यम्
by The Grid Architects

Aikyam - ऐक्यम् by The Grid Architects
Photo by Photographix/India/Sebastian

The Grid Architects has designed the interiors for Aikyam - ऐक्यम् in Ahmedabad, India.

This project is conceptualised as a serene retreat and harmoniously blends Japandi and Indian aesthetics with a minimalist framework, emphasising natural materials.

"Aikyam is a Sanskrit word that translates to togetherness, harmony [and] oneness," said The Grid Architects.

This residence showcases biophilia and traditional crafts, using eco-friendly materials and locally sourced art.

Key features include a genkan for transitional space, bespoke clay vessel screens, and multifunctional furniture enhancing both utility and style.

The intent is to foster tranquillity, connect indoor and outdoor spaces and reflect a lifestyle deeply attuned to nature and simplicity.

This project has been longlisted in the sustainable interior category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: The Grid Architects
Project: Aikyam - ऐक्यम्

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