2024 results

by Office Abrami Rojas (OAR)

Anbassa by Office Abrami Rojas (OAR)
Photo by Francesca Iovene

Office Abrami Rojas (OAR) has restored and redesigned Anbassa in Pantin, France.

In the city centre of Pantin near Paris, a 1935 building has been ingeniously converted into a speciality coffee shop and roastery by the Italian-Mexican architectural design firm Office Abrami Rojas (OAR).

OAR said they are "fond of existing buildings with a story to tell," therefore, "the interior design project became a restoration project."

A continuous dialogue with the client and the craftsmen led to ambitious solutions, such as custom-made steel furniture and terracotta cladding, which create a minimalist space where the patina of time becomes a tapestry in shades of beige.

This project has been longlisted in the restaurant and bar interior category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Office Abrami Rojas (OAR)
Project: Anbassa
Credits: Filippo Abrami, Helena Haas-Rojas, Francesca Iovene, VBLD and 51LUX

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