2024 results

by NousNous

Bingo by NousNous
Photo by Khoogj

NousNous has designed the Bingo bakehouse in Singapore.

A humble takeaway bakehouse enshrouded on the ground level of a charming preserved shophouse along one of Singapore's conservation districts.

"Bingo...is not just a bakery, it is a cornerstone for community connection," said NousNous.

Honest organic design approaches were adapted to the existing context and the ethos of the clientele.

The old and new architectural tectonics and material languages introduced a forged duality of spatial and human experiences.

A conscious choice of repurposing old materials not only characterised it but also served as a tangible expression of Bingo's broader commitment to sustainability and conscious living.

This project has been longlisted in the restaurant and bar interior category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: NousNous
Project: Bingo

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