2024 results

Bromley Old Town Hall by Nulty
by Nulty

Bromley Old Town Hall by Nulty
Photo by James French

Nulty has designed the lighting for Bromley Old Town Hall.

A sensitive lighting design response at Bromley Old Town Hall helps to reclaim the heritage of the Grade II-listed building.

"The team reviewed archive photographs of the 1906 and 1939 sections of the building, then repurposed and reinstated traditional lighting elements throughout the core areas to honour the old town hall's original aspirations," said Nulty.

The scheme supports the goals set by Cartwright Pickard and Fusion Interiors Group and balances the need for contemporary lighting interventions within an authentic design narrative.

This project has been longlisted in the architectural lighting design category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Nulty
Project: Bromley Old Town Hall by Nulty

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