2024 results

Camper Pompidou
by Penadés Office

Camper Pompidou by Penadés Office
Photo by Asier Rua

Penadés Office has designed the interiors of Camper Pompidou in Paris, France.

Inspired by Project 493, the unofficial name first given to Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers's proposal for the Centre Pompidou competition, this retail project takes a slightly different approach to paying homage to the iconic building.

"We designed an exoskeleton that functions as a shelving system and...follows the entirety of the store in a continuous gesture," said Penadés Office.

Just as the Pompidou exposes the technical elements of the building, the shelving system is constructed from cable metal trays – repurposing an industrial element that is usually hidden away – for the display of all products in the store.

This project has been longlisted in the retail interior (small) category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Penadés Office
Project: Camper Pompidou
Credits: Camper

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