2024 results

China Merchants Group History Museum
by Urbanus Architecture & Design Inc

China Merchants Group History Museum by Urbanus Architecture & Design Inc
Photo by Tal

Urbanus Architecture & Design Inc has designed an exhibition venue at the China Merchants Group History Museum in Shenzhen, China.

The establishment of the Shekou Industrial Zone in Shenzhen in 1978 marked the first step in modern China's opening up to the world and subsequent economic takeoff.

Utilising the original site of China's first commercial microwave station by the seaside, the venue creates monumental architectural spaces that blend into nature for the China Merchants History Museum.

"[We] proposed the concept of the hill as the exhibition venue, the city as the exhibition," said Urbanus.

With the historical narrative connected to the landscape and the exhibition experience synchronised with the hiking promenade, a landmark monumental building was created and integrated into the daily lives of ordinary citizens.

This project has been longlisted in the cultural project category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Urbanus Architecture & Design Inc
Project: China Merchants Group History Museum

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