2024 results

Chuo City Chuo Historical Museum
by Tanseisha

Chuo City Chuo Historical Museum by Tanseisha
Photo by Kurihara Taira

Tanseisha has designed the Chuo Historial Museum exhibition in Chuo City, Japan.

Since the project plan was to build in central Tokyo – which attracts large numbers of visitors – it needed to have a cultural impact that would stimulate interest in Japanese history and culture.

"Capitalising on the fact that this is a history museum attached to a library, we incorporated design and functionality associated with libraries," said Tanseisha.

In addition to deploying a wall design that mimics a bookshelf throughout the space, the display surfaces are modelled after rows of books to allow their themes to be updated as easily and flexibly as replacing books on a shelf.

"Here, we sought to create an environmentally friendly museum that uses library elements as design motifs to create a unique space that produces no waste when updating exhibits," added Tanseisha.

This project has been longlisted in the exhibition design (interior) category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Tanseisha
Project: Chuo City Chuo Historical Museum
Credits: Chuo City

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