2024 results

Corner at Tate Modern
by There's Light

Corner at Tate Modern by There's Light
Photo by Jack Hobhouse Photography

There's Light has designed the lighting for Corner at Tate Modern, a new cafe-cum-bar in London.

Transforming diametrically opposed functions, from a daytime cafe for the constant stream of daily visitors at Tate Modern to a destination bar operating beyond the museum's hours, challenged the lighting to create a seamless transition.

"The design drew inspiration from Tate's ethos, architecture and surroundings, as well as 1970s street lighting and films like Blade Runner," said There's Light.

As a result, the design was realised through the implementation of theoretical lighting principles and the design of bespoke decorative luminaires.

Quality light compliments not only the honest aesthetic of the systems and fixtures, but that too of the visual hierarchy of the space and its different functions.

This project has been longlisted in the architectural lighting design category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: There's Light
Project: Corner at Tate Modern
Credits: Fabio Cristini, Darran Prior and Tanvi Gavaskar

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