2024 results

by Aga Blonska Design

CoWave by Aga Blonska Design
Photo by Aga Blonska

Aga Blonska Design has designed CoWave, an acoustic panel informed by AI.

CoWave is an innovative design method that combines human collaboration with AI technology to create 3D surfaces based on emotional responses.

"The project has resulted in the world's first acoustic panel based on emotional brain reactions," said Aga Blonska Design.

EEG scans identify positive reactions to reference images and the collected data is then translated into AI language.

AI-imagined panels are generated into 3D objects within the same process.

The panel is made from 20kg of recycled plastic and its colour is inspired by grey matter.

CoWave will continue as a sustainable acoustic panel generator using eco-friendly materials, colours and brainwaves.

This project has been longlisted in the surface design category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Aga Blonska Design
Project: CoWave
Credits: Designbotic, 3D Makers Zone and Stimuleringsfonds

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