2024 results

Curly Lab
by Miriam Barrio Studio

Curly Lab by Miriam Barrio Studio
Photo by Salva López

Miriam Barrio Studio has designed the interiors of Curly Lab in Barcelona, Spain.

Curly Lab, located at an 1895 modernist building in Barcelona, fuses original elements with organic design and local craftsmanship.

Its strategic lighting highlights areas such as the restored frescoes, creating a welcoming and inspiring space.

"Clients feel special and cared for, in an environment that evokes a personal temple," said Miriam Barrio Studio.

The arrangement of elements, guided by organic shapes, facilitates routes and work areas while the hair salon becomes a sanctuary for hair care, where the experience goes beyond styling, embracing identity and personalised attention.

This project has been longlisted in the health and well-being interior category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Miriam Barrio Studio
Project: Curly Lab

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