2024 results

Handelszentrum 16
by Smartvoll

Handelszentrum 16 by Smartvoll
Photo by Smartvoll

Smartvoll has transformed Handelszentrum 16 in Bergheim, Austria.

In Bergheim, near Salzburg, Marco Sillaber and Smartvoll transformed Universal Versand's former warehouse complex into a resource-saving commercial centre.

Rather than demolishing the 40,000-square-metre site, they repurposed it for offices, laboratories, manufacturing, and restaurants.

The adaptive reuse project utilised existing structures, incorporating minimal invasive designs like atriums to bring daylight inside.

This approach preserved materials, saved CO2 emissions, and fostered sustainable development.

Completed in 2022, the project exemplifies how industrial spaces can be revitalised through thoughtful, diverse use, highlighting a broader trend of sustainable redevelopment in Europe.

This project has been longlisted in the sustainable renovation category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Smartvoll
Project: Handelszentrum 16

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