2024 results

Hécourt House
by Studio Guma

Hécourt House by Studio Guma
Photo by Maxime Delvaux

Studio Guma has transformed the Hécourt House in Normandy, France.

Located in Hécourt village, this farmhouse transformation aimed to create a retreat where family and city dwellers could reconnect with nature.

This project offers an architectural experience that seeks to merge the material and spatial qualities of the existing rural structure with contemporary elements.

Concrete, steel, and aluminium subtly contrast with wooden beams, stone walls and fireplaces, preserving the authenticity of the former agricultural building.

The spaces of Hécourt House unfold sequentially on different levels, following the site's topography, providing a seamless transition between shared and private areas.

This project has been longlisted in the house renovation category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Studio Guma
Project: Hécourt House
Credits: Maison Hécourt, Maxime Delvaux and Archibald

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