2024 results

La Vufflantine Nursery
by Kunik de Morsier Architectes

La Vufflantine Nursery by Kunik de Morsier Architectes
Photo by Nicolas Delaroche Studio

Kunik de Morsier Architectes has designed the La Vufflantine Nursery in Vufflens-le-Chateau, Switzerland.

This project's site constraints led to flexible geometry, which in turn led to the design of a complex structure for the nursey.

To keep the site non-artificial, it was decided to elevate part of the existing school rather than build on the surrounding open land.

"The La Vufflantine Nursery is a project for the intensification of a school site," said Kunik de Morsier Architectes.

All the timber for this structure was sourced from local forests, anchoring this elevation in a local materials history and reducing the building's carbon impact.

This project has been longlisted in the education project category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Kunik de Morsier Architectes
Project: La Vufflantine Nursery

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