2024 results

Ligre Youn
by Relvāokellermann for Ligre

Ligre Youn by Relvāokellermann for Ligre
Photo by Gerhardt Kellermann

Relvāokellermann has designed Ligre Youn, a modern portafilter espresso machine, for Ligre.

Ligre Youn, a portafilter espresso machine designed by Relvāokellermann, serves as an icon for modern coffee culture, offering great taste at superior ease of use.

"Our creation of a truly 21st-century espresso machine is based on a two-fold observation: the majority of the machines in the market are characterised by retro design and conventional technology with high energy consumption," said Relvāokellermann.

Thus, the time has come for a machine that delivers perfect results in modern design and superior material quality that matches contemporary kitchen architecture.

"In addition, our advanced innovative technology allows a new level of comfort while reducing energy consumption to the bare essentials," added Relvāokellermann.

This project has been longlisted in the product design (consumer design and wearables) category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Relvāokellermann for Ligre
Project: Ligre Youn

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