2024 results

Mallcom Factory
by Iksoi Studio

Mallcom Factory by Iksoi Studio
Photo by Atik Bheda

Iksoi Studio has designed the Mallcom Factory in Ahmedabad, India.

Built on an old textile mill compound in Ahmedabad, Mallcom's new factory is a PPE garment-stitching unit created by Iksoi Studio.

The structure's essence lies in its ability to transform raw materials into something useful and meaningful, creating spaces that are both functional and inspiring.

The use of simple and robust materials, such as steel and concrete, creates a sense of honesty and authenticity.

"On the outside, the factory wears its toughness with pride," said Iksoi Studio.

This project has been longlisted in the workplace project category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Iksoi Studio
Project: Mallcom Factory

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