2024 results

New Aare Bridge
by Christ & Gantenbein

New Aare Bridge by Christ & Gantenbein
Photo by Stefano Graziani

Christ & Gantenbein, along with many other firms, have designed and planned the New Aare Bridge in Aarau, Switzerland.

The new Aare Bridge in Aarau, Switzerland, designed by the planning team of Christ & Gantenbein, WMM Ingenieure, Henauer Gugler and August + Margrith Künzel Landschaftsarchitekten, replaces a concrete bridge from 1949.

The new structure blends organically into Aarau's distinctive cityscape and the natural environment of the Aare River while strengthening the region's transportation network.

As a comprehensive bridge and riverbank design, this project creates an appealing urban space and, with its distinctive, elegantly curved arches, becomes a new landmark.

This project has been longlisted in the infrastructure and transport project category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Christ & Gantenbein
Project: New Aare Bridge
Credits: WMM Ingenieure, Henauer Gugler and August + Margrith Künzel Landschaftsarchitekten

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