2024 results

NPOL Original: Exploring Jacket
by Faber Futures

NPOL Original: Exploring Jacket by Faber Futures
Photo by Toby Coulson

Faber Futures has designed the NPOL Original: Exploring Jacket.

The Exploring Jacket, a limited-edition silk garment, celebrates the innovative potential of microbial dyes.

Developed by Faber Futures, it harnesses a wild-type bacteria from the UK, challenging fast fashion norms with a model that moves towards just supply chains, low environmental impact and regenerative business models.

The process requires no chemicals and uses 500 times less water than traditional dyes.

This innovation paves the way towards a decentralised biomanufacturing model, envisioning regional dye labs powered by local waste materials.

Faber Futures' textiles are crafted through direct interaction with microorganisms, resulting in uniquely dyed silk that embodies biophilic craftsmanship.

This project has been longlisted in the material innovation category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Faber Futures
Project: NPOL Original: Exploring Jacket
Credits: Normal Phenomena of Life (NPOL)

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