2024 results

Postal Hall
by Trower Falvo Architects

Postal Hall by Trower Falvo Architects
Photo by Ben Hosking

Trower Falvo Architects has created the Postal Hall interiors in Perth, Australia.

The Postal Hall is the grand space at the heart of Perth's State Buildings complex.

Informed by the kite componentry, the design comprises a centralised, demountable bookshop.

A series of independent modules connect to form the bookshop as a legible ensemble, with each module contributing to the necessary functional requirements of the space.

Its construction and expression suggest permanence and temporality, a bookshop conceived as a central hub grounded in the public realm.

Open to all, it creates a civic moment of pause within its generous context.

This project has been longlisted in the retail interior (small) category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Trower Falvo Architects
Project: Postal Hall
Credits: Alessio Fini

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