2024 results

Rifle Range Nature Park
by Henning Larsen

Rifle Range Nature Park by Henning Larsen
Photo by Finbarr Fallon

Henning Larsen has transformed and redeveloped the Rifle Range Nature Park in Singapore.

Bordering one of the last primary forests in Singapore, Rifle Range Nature Park preserves threatened rainforest ecosystems and supports Singapore's sustainability agenda as a green buffer from developments and human activities, becoming its first net-positive energy nature park.

Through feasibility studies and nature-based solutions, the park transforms a former quarry, strengthens ecological resilience and integrates into the urban fabric.

Ecological crossings safeguard endangered wildlife, planting strategies attract fauna and transition to primary forest and a new freshwater wetland thrives with aquatic life where natural drainage features manage stormwater.

The park offers trails, activity nodes and educational opportunities, diverting 25,000 visitors monthly.

This project has been longlisted in the landscape and urban design category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Henning Larsen
Project: Rifle Range Nature Park
Credits: National Parks Board Singapore and Architects61

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