2024 results

Sonnenglas Generation 6
by Sonnenglas

Sonnenglas Generation 6 by Sonnenglas
Photo by Sonnenglas

Sonnenglas has developed its own solar-powered LED light, Sonnenglas Generation 6.

Sonnenglas Generation 6 is a versatile, portable light designed for off-the-grid use, offering a sustainable and safe alternative to kerosene lamps and candles.

Ideal for various applications, from study lanterns to mobile torches, Sonnenglas Generation 6 features recycled glass, stainless steel and an innovative magnetic flip switch for easy and waterproof operation.

Crafted in a Fair Trade factory in Johannesburg, South Africa, Sonnenglas combines advanced solar technology with ethical manufacturing, fostering social development and environmental sustainability.

This project has been longlisted in the sustainable design (consumer) category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Sonnenglas
Project: Sonnenglas Generation 6
Credits: Stefan Neubig and Studio Scazziga

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