2024 results

Sustainable Workspaces at County Hall
by Material Works Architecture

Sustainable Workspaces at County Hall by Material Works Architecture
Photo by Jim Stephenson

Material Works Architecture has designed the Sustainable Workspaces interiors at Country Hall, London, United Kingdom.

Sustainable Workspaces repurposes abandoned parts of a historic building to create a new home for a community of emerging climate tech businesses.

The low-impact design focuses on minimising embodied energy, pioneering innovative materials and cradle-to-cradle life cycles.

Celebrating the 'as found' condition of the site, the project maximises the use of the existing and reclaimed.

New interventions are formed using de-mountable systems with recyclable materials derived from natural sources, by-products and waste streams.

The scheme dramatically reduces the embodied carbon used in construction and points towards a new aesthetic language that directly addresses the climate emergency.

This project has been longlisted in the workplace interior (large) category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Material Works Architecture
Project: Sustainable Workspaces at County Hall

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