2024 results

Temporary Storage Garden
by Semester Studio and Camerich

Temporary Storage Garden by Semester Studio and Camerich
Photo by Camerich

Semester Studio and Camerich have collaborated on the installation of the Temporary Storage Garden.

The pressures of sustainability are especially apparent in an exhibition – in Semester Studio's case, one that is built and thrown out in a week.

"We set for ourselves the simple challenge of achieving zero waste in realising the transient structure," said Semester Studio.

Instead of reshaping the materials, they are used in direct and honest ways, often learning from how they are used in production and taking advantage of their innate qualities to avoid unnecessary damage that may compromise their subsequent use.

"Our approach to sustainability is contextual, low-tech and temporal; it all begins with material that could be borrowed and returned to the furniture factory," added Semester Studio.

This project has been longlisted in the installation design category of Dezeen Awards 2024.

Studio: Semester Studio and Camerich
Project: Temporary Storage Garden

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